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IFXPDFFactory is an Objective-C framework for adding PDF capabilities in your iOS and Mac OSX applications. Its simple and easy to use object model allows creating complex PDF documents with a few lines of code. The framework provides support for iOS 6 and higher and Mac OS X 10.7 and higher. It is written entirely in Objective-C and it works with both ARC and non-ARC applications.
IFXPDFFactory - The PDF library for iOS and Mac OS X
IFXPDFFactory - part 2 - Page size and page boxes
IFXPDFFactory - part 3 - PDF functions
IFXPDFFactory - part 4 - Colors and colorspaces
IFXPDFFactory – part 5 – Pens and brushes
IFXPDFFactory - part 6 - Vector graphics
IFXPDFFactory – part 7 - PDF images
IFXPDFFactory - part 8 - PDF fonts and text
IFXPDFFactory - part 9 - PDF optional content / layers
IFXPDFFactory - part 10 - TrueType fonts
IFXPDFFactory - part 11 - Document information and TrueType fonts