Overview | Features | What's New | Download | Samples | Licensing | Purchase
IFXPDFFactory is an Objective-C framework for generating PDF documents on the fly from any iOS and Mac OS X application. The framework does not rely on any 3rd party products for creating PDF files. It hides the complex structure of PDF files behind a simple object model that allows creation of complex PDF files with a few lines of code.
The IFXPDFFactory framework follows the display drawing model, thus reducing the learning time and increasing productivity. It uses a grid based layout approach allowing precise positioning of content on document's pages. The final PDF file is compressed, making the framework appropriate for mobile applications. The framework can be used with iOS and Mac OS X applications without any restrictions. The framework is written entirely in Objective-C and supports both ARC and non-ARC applications.
The IFXPDFFactory framework is licensed per developer and can be distributed ROYALTY FREE, reducing your project costs.
The complete list of features is available below. If you are looking a feature that is not listed, feel free to contact me and I'll help.
- iOS 6 or higher
- Mac OS X 10.7 or higher
- Save PDF files to disk or memory
- Sdd and remove PDF pages
- Page boxes - crop box, media box, trim box, art box, bleed box
- Document information
- Viewer preferences
- PDF color spaces: DeviceRGB, DeviceCMYK, DeviceGray, Indexed, CalGray, CalRGB, Lab, ICC, Separation
- Pen and brush objects for stroke and fill operations
- Affine transformations: multiply, translate, rotate and scale
- Graphics primitives: lines, ellipses, rectangles, rounded rectangles, arcs, pies, Bezier curves, paths
- Clipping paths
- Images and form XObjects
- Single line and multi line text with vertical and horizontal alignment, including justified text
- Optional content (layers) with support for custom display trees, multipage and mixed layers
- Standard 14 PDF fonts
- ANSI and Unicode TrueType fonts
- Sample based functions (Type 0)
- Exponential functions (Type 2)
- Stitching functions (Type 3)
- Postscript calculator functions (Type 4)
- Per developer licensing with royalty free distribution
- Single developer license starts at US$399 and includes 1 year support subscription